These are the ice pack that I am using. They are called hot or cold pack and available at Mercury Drug. Since my travel time is usually less than an hour, this works for me. The blue ice can also be used but they are too heavy for me.
This is my Lock & Lock Cooler bag. I bought it at SM at around Php 500. It has two compartments which is the main reason why I bought it. It also has a mesh pocket in front. It is where I put my business card for identification purposes. One side story: A male officemate also owns the same cooler bag so I really had to put identification on mine. My colleagues were asking me, what if I went home and just found out that we have mistakenly switched our bags? OH mY!!!!! I do not want that to happen. So that is the purpose of my business card there.
On the bottom part of the cooler bag is where I put the folded ref tote, paper towel and then the ice pack. Next would be the flange assembly and then the storage bottle. The arrangement would be different when i am going home since I have the pumped milk already. My travel is only for 40 minutes but I see to it that one ice pack will be wrapped around or put beside the storage bottle for more effective cooling.
On the top compartment of the cooler bag is where I put the pump motor and the tubing. I also keep the nursing cover, and extras (breastmilk bag and spare batteries) underneath. This is my pumping set-up while I am at the office. On the upper left is my Lock & Lock Cooler Bag from SM. On the Upper Right is my "ref tote." This is where I put my flange assembly (in ziplock) and my pumped milk and then I put it inside our office refrigerator. This picture was taken inside one of our classrooms. I was lucky to be employed in a training company so we have classrooms available where I can do my pumping session.

The pumped milk that I got for the whole day will be for the next day's feeding. If I am staying at home for the whole weekend, the pumped milk on Friday, will be for the next Monday's consumption. I put my pumped milk inside the feeding bottles (I use Breastflow bottles) then I put it inside a quart sized zipper bag so that it will not get the smell of other items inside the fridge.
Wow this post is so informative! great to know that you are very successful in breastfeeding with the help of all your gears :)
Oh lansinoh, its a unfamiliar breastpump in my country...,
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